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Tuesday, 6 September 2011

Welcome to my kinder classes!

Every morning, I am lucky enough to teach the most adorable group of kids.. ha, sometimes.. some days its like they all planned together to not do anything I say, or do the complete opposite, I don't know how they can be so smart at 4 years old.
My first class is called Wisdom, there is 4 of them in the class. In Korea they are 5 years old, but in Canada they are only 4. In Korea you are 1, when you are born, so I forgive them most of the time when they want to run and run and be silly, because really they are only 4!

My next class is called Dream. They are 6 years old (5 in Canada terms). There is 7 of them, and they give me the run for my money! Hilarious though. I showed them a picture of my mom, dad and Tyler and they said "No Robin Teacher, he isn't your brother, Jay teacher is." They call Jason, Jay teacher and thought since we came together we are brother and sister! So, sorry Ty, they don't think you exist.. I tried! They love Jason though, he came in for lunch on a Friday and they were so excited, every day they ask if he is coming. I don't feel the love! But actually, they do love me!

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